

1 美国的原则是3个联合公报和与台湾关系法,坚持一个中国原则,不支持台独,不允许单方面改变现状。
2 陈水扁没有废除国统纲领,而是停止运作。美国的理解是“冻结”。
1 中文的“终止”和“废除”没有区别,根本不是冻结
2 美国到底界定的单方面改变现状是什么意思






























问:是的。陈总统在他的声明中,说的是国家统一委员会终止运作(cease to function)。你说,他用的词语“终止运作”,并不是废除这个委员会。


















问:亚当,最初美国试图劝说陈水扁放弃废统。什么使你软化的观点,你知道,原来是劝阻他那么做,而现在是默许了,只是改变了措辞。在中文里,他的用词就是“终止”(terminate),甚至不是“停止”(cease to apply)。你知道“终止”就是终止。我不知道“终止”和“废除”有什么区别。




























QUESTION: My question is Taiwan leader Chen Shui-bian announced in Taipei a decision to stop the operation of the National Unification Council and the application of National Unification guidelines. What's your response to his decision?

MR. ERELI: Well, it won't surprise you to learn that our policy on Cross-Strait relations has not changed. Our one China policy is based on the three communiqués and the Taiwan Relations Act. We are, of course, opposed to any unilateral change to the status quo by either side and we do not support Taiwan independence.

I would note today that President Chen reaffirmed his continuing commitment to the pledges he made in his 2000 inaugural address not to change the status of the status quo across the Straits and we continue to stress the need for Beijing to open a dialogue with the elected leadership in Taiwan.

On the question of the National Unification Council, it's our understanding that President Chen did not abolish it and he reaffirmed Taiwan's commitment to the status quo. We attach great importance to that commitment and we'll be following his follow-through carefully.


QUESTION: Do you think (inaudible) either change to the status quo? Is it -- and what's the U.S. definition of the changes to the status quo?

MR. ERELI: I think President Chen has said that he is committed to the status quo and that he is committed to his -- the pledges in his inaugural speech. We believe that the -- we attach great importance to those commitments and we will be following events closely.

QUESTION: Okay. What steps U.S. is following closely and what steps will the U.S. take to curb -- to (inaudible)?

MR. ERELI: Well, we continue to stress the importance, as I did in my comments earlier, of dialogue between Beijing and Taiwan on Cross-Strait issues. It is important, we believe, that resolution of this issue avoid unilateral steps and focus on dialogue and that's the tact that we encourage both sides to take.

QUESTION: I just want to get this right. So, you don't consider this as a change of status quo?

MR. ERELI: You know, I'm not going to define it further than I already have. It has not been abolished; it's been frozen. He himself has said that he is committed to the status quo and that he is committed to his inaugural pledges and that is an important statement of policy.

QUESTION: And you are committed to the status quo, too, aren't you?

MR. ERELI: And we are committed to a one China policy.

QUESTION: Well, but that's pretty status --

QUESTION: Based on the three --

MR. ERELI: Based on the three communiqués –and -- class?

QUESTION: (Cross-talk)

MR. ERELI: The Taiwan Relations Act.

QUESTION: What do you think they're going to be talking about?

MR. ERELI: Resolving their differences.

QUESTION: But you believe there's only one China. Is there any other major difference?

MR. ERELI: Come on, Barry. Let's --

QUESTION: Okay, but I mean -- it's gotten to be sort of boilerplate.

MR. ERELI: Yes. Exactly. That's why --

QUESTION: And this is a big event, so I thought maybe there's something a little more that the State Department could --

MR. ERELI: I think --

QUESTION: When it comes to China, State Department gets very quiet.


QUESTION: Yes. President Chen, of course, in his announcement, used the expression that the Unification Council ceases to function and also the guideline ceases to apply. You're saying, by using the phrase, you know, "cease to function," he's not actually abolishing the Council.

MR. ERELI: Our understanding --

QUESTION: I'm not sure I would agree with you because, you know, linguistically and semantically, "cease" is the same thing as abolishing.

MR. ERELI: Sir, all I can say is that President Chen has said he is committed to the status quo, he is not changing the status quo and he is committed to his inaugural pledges. The NUC -- he also -- the NUC exists and so we're going to hold him to those pledges.

QUESTION: Well, he has said this countless times in the past and do you still have confidence in him when he says something that he had said before, though?

MR. ERELI: I think our views -- I've stated them as clearly as I can.

QUESTION: Adam, did the United States encourage him not to take the step?

MR. ERELI: I think the United States has made it clear to the Taiwanese leadership on any number of occasions that we are opposed to unilateral moves and we urge strongly that he remain consistent with his commitments in the inaugural pledge of 2000 and that he not take any unilateral moves. I would note that he has said that this action is not a unilateral move.

QUESTION: Would you agree a cessation is a unilateral move?

MR. ERELI: Pardon?

QUESTION: Is his action, from the U.S. view, a unilateral move?

MR. ERELI: I think that I would just leave it at what President Chen said and hold him at that, which is it is not a unilateral move.

QUESTION: And in spite of all the communication between the U.S. and Taiwan, Chen stick to his decision. So is there any actions the U.S. side is going to take?

MR. ERELI: I think we will continue to -- as I said earlier, we will continue to hold President Chen by his commitments not to take unilateral moves and to remain committed to his inaugural pledges of 2000.

QUESTION: Can I ask you something else?

QUESTION: Do you consider this episode closed for now?

MR. ERELI: For us, the episode is closed or the issue is closed when Taiwan -- when parties on both sides of the Straits resolve their differences. And that's what we continue to urge both sides to do: engage in a dialogue so that issues and discussions like we're having today are a thing of the past.


QUESTION: Adam, at first the United States actually has tried to persuade President Chen to give up his plan to abolish the Council and the guidelines. What made you soften your stand, you know, moving from urging him not to do it to actually working out the specific wording? In Chinese, it is actually "terminate." It's not even "cease to apply." You know "zhongzhi" is terminate. I don't understand the difference between termination and abolishment.

MR. ERELI: Not being a Chinese speaker, I don't know either. What I can tell you is our understanding is that the NUC has not been abolished; it has been frozen, number one. Number two, that President Chen has stated that this does not alter the status quo and; number two, he has said he is committed to not take unilateral actions which would alter the status quo, all of which are positions that we have very strongly advocated and which have been reaffirmed.

QUESTION: Adam, we didn't hear him actually reaffirm his pledges or assurance to adhere to his inaugural address commitment. Did you hear it somewhere else? Because we didn't really hear it.

One other question, Adam. Do you really think the U.S. policy is working? I mean, you know, when you say to abolish or to terminate the Council and the guidelines may seem, you know, to be steps to change -- unilaterally change the status quo, and then a week later, you know, you're saying, hey, President Chen actually is not changing the status quo. I don't understand that. You know, is your policy working?

And also, you are calling for China to talk to President Chen. What was the incentive that you think China would get out of this? If China did not agree to talk to him yesterday, what is the incentive that will make China talk to him today?

MR. ERELI: I can't speak for China. What I can speak for is the United States and the fact that we've got, I think, a very clear and consistent policy that is focused on preventing either side from taking unilateral actions that affect the status quo. In this case, in this latest case, there were pledges made in 2000 that we thought were important to respect. President Chen has reaffirmed today, our understanding, the fact that the steps that he has taken do not constitute a change in the status quo and he reaffirmed his commitment to those 2000 pledges.

That is important, because what -- you can't -- as you suggested in your question, you can't promote dialogue if there isn't the confidence between both sides that the other one isn't taking unilateral steps. So, it's very important, the public statements that we've heard from Chen today, and it's very important that based on those public statements and based on what the leadership of Taiwan has said is a commitment not to change the status quo, that you move beyond the news of the day and talk about the real issues that are causing problems.

QUESTION: One more?

MR. ERELI: One more.

QUESTION: We understand the U.S. policy remains the same and remains firm, very firm, but are there any policy implications because of this – for U.S. policy? You know, obviously, when the decision-makers in this building come to the building today, it's a different day. It's different from yesterday.

MR. ERELI: Yes, I will agree with that. (Laughter.) And that I think the focus of our policy, even though one day is different than the next, is continuity and that's why I began this long discussion by reminding you that our policy remains consistent based on --

QUESTION: "One China." (Laughter).

MR. ERELI: Based on the three communiqués and the Taiwan Relations Act.

QUESTION: Has it changed?

MR. ERELI: Okay, I guess --

QUESTION: Can I make one more try?

MR. ERELI: One more try.

QUESTION: One more try, okay. I would like to know if there's some kind of understanding that the U.S. side has been given permission to construe President Chen's decision to let the council to cease to function as not abolishing -- your word. Is there some kind of -- and Taiwan will not challenge whatever you say at this podium about, particularly, your language, not abolishing -- actually, you know, my colleague back there just pointed out the word -- the expression -- in Chinese "zhongzhi" simply means terminating, which is like abolishing. So, that's why I want to know, is there some kind of an understanding, agreement between the two sides that the U.S. can interpret this in the way as abolishing -- not abolishing?

MR. ERELI: I would -- sir, I just --

QUESTION: Whereas Taiwan is saying, you know, it's abolishing --

MR. ERELI: Let me just -- I'd refer you to President Chen's public comments and his reaffirmation that this is not a unilateral step to change the status quo and that's a statement of Taiwanese policy and that's an important reaffirmation of Taiwanese policy and we certainly look forward to them fulfilling those commitments.

QUESTION: Will he pay a price for this?

MR. ERELI: I don't -- you know, I don't know what that means.

QUESTION: (Inaudible) pay a price for this?

MR. ERELI: The United States is working to promote resolution of Cross-Strait differences and that's the objective that we're going to continue to focus on.

QUESTION: Could I turn to something else?

QUESTION: What is the PRC’s reaction so far? We know Mr. Yang Jiechi’s visit here, he raised Taiwan questions. So far, did you get other --

MR. ERELI: I've got nothing new to report for you on that.











速度滑冰 Speedskating
短道速滑 Short Track
花样滑冰 Figure Skating
冰球 Ice Hockey
冰壶 Curling
冬季两项 Biathlon
越野滑雪 Cross Country
高山滑雪 Alpine Skiing
北欧两项 Nordic Combined
跳台滑雪 Ski Jumping
自由式滑雪 Freestyle Skiing
单板滑雪 Snowboarding
有舵雪橇 Bobsled*
俯式冰橇 Skeleton**
无舵雪橇 Luge
* 有舵雪橇,也有的翻译成“雪车”
** 俯式冰橇,也有的翻译成“钢架雪车”
1 大项名称:冬季两项(Biathlon)*
1 男子20公里个人赛 Men's 20 km Individual
2 男子10公里竞速赛** Men's 10 km Sprint
3 男子12.5公里追逐赛 Men's 12.5 km Pursuit
4 男子4x7.5公里接力 Men's 4x7.5 km Relay
5 男子15公里集体出发赛 Men's 15 km Mass Start
6 女子15公里个人赛 Women's 15 km Individual
7 女子7.5公里竞速赛** Women's 7.5 km Sprint
8 女子10公里追逐赛 Women's 10 km Pursuit
9 女子4x6公里接力 Women's 4x6 km Relay
10 女子12.5公里集体出发赛 Women's 12.5 km Mass Start
* 冬季两项中的两项,指越野滑雪和射击
** 竞速赛,又译“短距离”

2 大项名称:越野滑雪(Cross Country Skiing)
女子15公里(7.5+7.5)追逐赛 Ladies' 15 km Pursuit (7.5+7.5)
女子团体 Ladies' Team Sprint
女子古典式10公里* Ladies' 10 km Classical
女子4*5公里接力 Ladies' 4x5 km Relay
女子竞速赛** Ladies' Sprint
女子30公里自由式集体出发 Ladies' 30 km Free, Mass start
男子30公里(15+15)追逐赛 Men's 30 km Pursuit (15+15)
男子团体 Men's Team Sprint
男子古典式15公里* Men's 15 km Classical
男子4*10公里接力 Men's 4x10 km Relay
男子竞速赛** Men's Sprint
男子50公里自由式集体出发 Men's 50 km Free, Mass start

3 大项名称:冰壶Curling
比赛第一阶段是循环赛,共计十二轮,叫做Round Robin,
轮次用Session一次。如男子循环赛第10轮叫Men's Round Robin, Session 10。
第二阶段是同分附加赛,叫 Tie-breaker,之后是半决赛 Semifinals,然后是铜牌战 Bronze Medal Game和金牌战 Gold Medal Game
4 大项名称:花样滑冰 Figure Skating
1 双人滑 Pairs Figure Skating
比赛分2个阶段:短节目 Short Program 和 自由滑 Free Skating
2 男子单人滑 Men Figure Skating
比赛分2个阶段:短节目 Short Program 和 自由滑 Free Skating
3 冰上舞蹈 Ice Dancing
规定舞 Compulsory Dance、创编舞 Original Dance 和 自由舞 Free Dance
4 女子单人滑 Ladies' Figure Skating
比赛分2个阶段:短节目 Short Program 和 自由滑 Free Skating
另外,奥会会比赛结束后,另有一场花样滑冰表演Exhibition Gala
5 大项名称:自由式滑雪 Freestyle Skiing
1 男子雪上技巧 Men's Moguls
2 男子空中技巧 Men's Aerials
3 女子雪上技巧 Ladies' Moguls
4 女子空中技巧 Ladies' Aerials
6 大项名称:冰球 Ice Hockey
包括男子、女子两个小项,Men's Ice Hockey/Women's Ice Hockey
比赛分预赛Prelim. Round,争位赛 Placement Round,
半决赛 Play-offs Semifinals,铜牌战Play-offs - Bronze Medal Game
和金牌战Play-offs - Gold Medal Game
男子比赛中另有四分之一决赛Play-offs Quarterfinals

7 大项名称:无舵雪橇 Luge
1 男子单人* Men's Singles Competition
2 女子单人* Men's Singles Competition
3 双人* Doubles' Competition
*男女的单人项目,比4次,轮次用Run表示,如男子单人无舵雪橇第3次, 就是Men's Singles Run 3

8 大项名称:北欧两项 Nordic Combined
北欧两项的两项,指越野滑雪(Cross Country Skiing)和跳台滑雪(Ski Jumping)
1 个人赛* Individual Gundersen,其中的两项具体为:
90米跳台滑雪NH Individual Gundersen和15公里越野滑雪Individual Gundersen 15km
2 团体赛** Team,其中的两项具体为:
90米跳台滑雪LH Team和越野滑雪4*5公里接力Team 4x5 km
3 个人竞速赛***Sprint,其中的两项具体为:
120米跳台滑雪LH Sprint和7.5公里越野滑雪Sprint 7.5 km
* 个人赛,又译“个人K90和15km”或“NH 个人赛”
** 团体赛,又译“团体K90和5km接力”或“LH 团体接力”
*** 个人竞速赛,又译“竞速K120和7.5km”或者“LH 个人短距离”
**** 本项目翻译不够统一,译名较多,在我国并未得到普及

9 大项名称:短道速滑 Short Track Speed Skating
共有8个小项,8块金牌中,男子项目 女子项目
1 男子500米 Men's 500 m
2 男子1000米 Men's 1000 m
3 男子1500米 Men's 1500 m
4 男子5000米接力 Men's 5000 m Relay
5 女子500米 Ladies' 500 m
6 女子1000米 Ladies' 1000 m
7 女子1500米 Ladies' 1500 m
8 女子3000米接力 Ladies' 3000 m Relay
比赛分预赛Heat、四分之一决赛Quarterfinal、半决赛Semifinal和决赛Final *
如,男子1500米预赛第四组,就是Men's 1500 m Heat 4
* 并非所有小项都有预赛
10 大项名称:俯式雪橇 Skeleton
Men's Skeleton/Women's Skeleton
如男子比赛第一轮,叫Men's Heat 1

11 大项名称:跳台滑雪 Ski Jumping
1 90米级个人赛* NH Individual Competition
2 120米级个人赛* LH Individual Competition
3 120米级团体赛** LH Team Competition
*个人赛比3轮,分别叫Qualification Round, 1st Round和Final Round
**团体赛比2轮,分别较1st Round和Final Round

12 大项名称:单板滑雪Snowboard
1 男子U型池* Men's Halfpipe
2 男子单板滑雪越野赛**Men's Snowboard Cross
3 男子平行大回转*** Men's Parallel Giant Slalom
4 女子U型池* Ladies' Halfpipe
5 女子单板滑雪越野赛** Ladies' Snowboard Cross
6 女子平行大回转*** Ladies' Parallel Giant Slalom

* U型池,东方卫视直译为“半管赛”
** 越野赛,网易翻译为“四人追逐赛”,虽然越野赛在1/4决赛之后,
*** 平行大回转,网易翻译为“双人平行大回转”,这项比赛是两个人

13 大项名称:速度滑冰Speed Skating
男子500米* Men's 500 m
男子1000米 Men's 1000 m
男子1500米 Men's 1500 m
男子5000米 Men's 5000 m
男子10000米 Men's 10000 m
男子团体追逐赛** Men's Team Pursuit
女子500米* Ladies' 500 m
女子1000米 Ladies' 1000 m
女子1500米 Ladies' 1500 m
女子3000米 Ladies' 3000 m
女子5000米 Ladies' 5000 m
女子团体追逐赛** Ladies' Team Pursuit
* 500米比赛要赛2次,分别叫做第一次Race 1和第二次Race 2
** 团体追逐赛分预赛Preliminaries、四分之一决赛Quarterfinals
半决赛Semifinals和四组决赛Final D、Final C、Final B、Final A
14 大项名称:有舵雪橇Bobsled*
1 男子双人有舵雪橇** Two-Man Competition
2 男子四人有舵雪橇** Four-Man Competition
3 女子双人有舵雪橇** Women Competition
* 有舵雪橇,又译“雪车”
** 有舵雪橇的每个单项比赛都要赛4轮,轮次叫Heat,
如男子双人赛的第二轮,叫做Two-Man Heat 2

15 大项名称:高山滑雪 Alpine Skiing
1 男子速降* Men's Downhill
2 男子全能** Men's Combined
3 男子超级大回转 Men's Super-G
4 男子大回转*** Men's Giant Slalom
5 男子回转*** Men's Slalom
6 女子速降* Ladies' Downhill
7 女子全能** Ladies' Combined
8 女子超级大回转 Ladies' Super-G
9 女子大回转*** Ladies's Giant Slalom
10 女子回转*** Ladies's Slalom
* 速降,又译“滑降”
** 全能比赛,只是速降和回转的两项全能,
需要比三轮,第一次比赛速降,英文叫做Combined Downhill
后两次比赛回转,英文分别叫做Combined Slalom 1st Run和Combined Slalom 2st Run
*** 大回转和回转比赛,都要赛两轮,1st Run和2nd Run



