

Pluto's newly found moons named Nix, Hydra
By ALICIA CHANG, AP Science Writer

LOS ANGELES - Meet the newest kids in the solar system: Nix and Hydra. The pair of moons orbiting Pluto were officially christened last week by the International Astronomical Union, which is in charge of approving celestial names.
美联社洛杉矶电 - 认识一下太阳系新来的两个小兄弟吧,他们的名字叫尼克斯(Nix)和许德拉(Hydra)。上周,国际天文学联合会正式确定了这两颗冥王星的卫星的名字。

Until last year, scientists thought Pluto was accompanied by only one moon, Charon. But the Hubble Space Telescope spotted the two satellites — more than twice as far away as Charon and many times fainter.

The duo had been known by the tongue-twisting names S/2005 P 2 and S/2005 P 1. Earlier this year, the moons' discoverers, led by Alan Stern of the Southwest Research Institute in Boulder, Colo., submitted their choices to the IAU.
这两颗卫星临时命名为S/2005 P2和S/2005 P1。一年前,卫星的发现者,阿兰·斯特恩领导的西南研究院科罗拉多州波德分院的团队将他们的命名递交给了国际天文学联合会。

The names, with roots in Greek mythology, were selected in part because their first letters, "N" and "H," were a tribute to the New Horizons spacecraft, Stern said Wednesday.
斯特恩星期三表示,这两个命名都源于希腊神话,其首字母分别为N和H,是献给新视野号探测器(New Horizons)的礼物。

New Horizons blasted off earlier this year on a nine-year mission to study Pluto, the last unexplored planet in the solar system. Stern is the mission's principal investigator.

Nix was originally spelled "Nyx" by Stern's group. Nyx is the Greek goddess of darkness and Hydra is the nine-headed serpent that guarded the underworld. Pluto is the Roman god of the underworld.

But since a near-Earth object was already called Nyx, the IAU decided to tweak the spelling to "Nix" to avoid confusion.

Stern said he wasn't disappointed by the spelling change because the pronunciation and significance of the names were still intact.

"The joke was that they nixed Nyx," Stern said.

This summer, the IAU will debate whether Pluto should remain a planet. The discovery of an icy object slightly larger than Pluto in the Kuiper Belt last year reinvigorated the argument over whether to demote Pluto or add other planets.
